My Story
Personal Side Of Lynn
- Wife and partner to my best friend Wayne
- Mother of 3 adult children
- Born and raised in Timmins Ontario, now reside in Brockville
- Family is very important to me
- My father taught me to love and respect nature
- Love to travel with my best friend
- Volunteer my time with a charity close to my heart- Huntington
Society of Canada
- I love photography either with my iPhone or DSLR
- Creative and artistic
Professional Side Of Lynn
- I am a Certified Wedding Officiant and a member of
(Ontario Association of Professional Wedding Officiants)
- Professional Communicator
- Business Owner
Passionate Side Of Lynn
- I am passionate about building a successful life with my husband
- Passionate about my children and their lives
- Passionate about my new grand child
- Passionate about nature
- Most of all I am passionate about making your wedding day all it
can and should be